North Carolina Portrait Photography by Raleigh Portrait Photographer AO&JO Photography & Videography

What a fun year it has been watching this little girl grow right before our eyes! Last year at this time we were discussing when we should do a newborn shoot with Meghan and Kyle and here were are sharing sweet Josie-girl's 12 month photo shoot. This girl is one strong willed little lady. She was going to smile when she wanted to smile. I just absolutely loved all of the faces she was making. She showed us the whole array of emotions in one short hour. I think she may have a future in acting because she sure knows how to control those face muscles and show how she is feeling, lol.

A one-year shoot would not be complete without a cake smash and so of course we had a gorgeous pink cake made by non-other than her fabulous mama, Meghan. It's so funny when you put an entire cake in front of a child and watch their reaction. It's like they look at you like "Is this a test?" They are just in utter disbelief at what you are about to let them do. Then it happens...they dig in. It took Josie a little bit of coaxing, but she eventually got into it. And then everyone else couldn't let Josie be the only one that had all the fun so Josie's mom, dad and big sister joined in as well. We have such a great time with Kyle and Meghan and their girls every time we get together for a shoot. We are lucky to have them as members of our client for life program so be on the look out for more shoots with this adorable family. Scroll down to the bottom and check out a slideshow from all four shoots with did with Josie this year and see this beautiful girl grow for yourself.